Legal Updates

21st May 2024

The Family Procedure (Amendment No 2) Rules 2023 came into force in April 2024, with the primary aim of encouraging early non-court dispute resolution (NCDR) in the vast majority of private family matters. The changes seek to ensure ...

10th May 2024

What is a Cohabitation Agreement? Cohabitation agreements have gained significant recognition and importance in the United Kingdom as the dynamics of relationships continue to evolve. In recent years, the number of couples choosing to ...

21st March 2024

Employment law evolves with societal changes and 2024 is a busier year for employment legislation, compared to the last few years. The Government has backed a number of private members’ bills which are now coming into force. In ...

7th March 2024

Child maintenance is regular financial support paid by one parent to another to assist with a child’s everyday living expenses. It is ordinarily paid to the primary carer of the child (otherwise known as the resident parent) and is ...

11th October 2022

It is not uncommon to hear of cases where claims are successfully brought against the estate of someone who has passed away, where it is decided that the deceased’s estate does not make reasonable financial provision for a particular ...

31st August 2022

‘At some point, many businesses will receive a tribunal claim against them from an employee, former employee or even an applicant,’ says Linda Wilson, Partner and head of the employment law department at MacDonald Oates Solicitors. ...

11th August 2022

On top of the heartbreak and worry that a diagnosis of a life-limiting illness can cause, there will be a raft of concerns and uncertainties about your care and financial affairs, and it can be difficult to know exactly how to prepare ...

11th July 2022

New rules introduced by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) require trustees to register the details of most non-taxable trusts with the Trust Registration Service by 1 September 2022. After that date, trusts must be registered within 90 ...

4th July 2022

We consider a recent Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) case, Sejpal v Rodericks Dental Ltd [2022] EAT 91, which looks at the issue of status, and focuses on whether a dentist had the status of being a worker. The law For an individual ...

23rd May 2022

When applying for probate in regard to an estate which is subject to inheritance tax, the Probate Registry requires tax to be paid before the grant of probate application. This can prove difficult as some financial institutions will ...

7th April 2022

We have put together a guide to the current rates and compensation limits. Please click here to view or print the pdf guide, or see below. If you require advice on how these are applied or you need advice any other employment law or HR ...

19th October 2021

Making a lasting power of attorney for your finances is an important part of lifetime legal planning, especially if you have built up a portfolio of assets and investments which require regular management. While this legal authority ...

5th July 2021

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT), in Dobson v North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, recently looked at a case of indirect sex discrimination and what it termed the “childcare disparity”. This refers to the fact that ...

21st June 2021

Through this series of articles, ‘Protecting your business’, our Employment Partner, Linda Wilson, takes a look at different topics, providing tips and advice to help businesses. This article focusses on confidential ...

1st March 2021

If you are an executor of an estate, you may need to deal with debts that have been left behind. Any estate may have debts to be considered, even if the deceased was wealthy – it is reported that Michael Jackson died with around $500 ...

12th August 2020

Due to the devastating impact that COVID-19 has had on our economy, many predicted that businesses would be facing difficult decisions with regards to how they would be able to manage to retain staff whilst revenue dropped. The ...

1st June 2020

The Chancellor of the Exchequer has set out a number of changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), which will take effect over the next few months. The Chancellor confirmed that employers will be required to start ...

29th April 2020

As we begin the month of May, it is perhaps a quieter, calmer month from an employment law perspective compared to that of March and April. In early March, most businesses were continuing to function without much thought of the virus ...

16th April 2020

The ”lockdown” and social distancing guidance published by the Government on 23 March 2020 was designed with one key aim in mind: to save lives. Staying home helps the NHS, stops the spread of COVID-19 and keeps people safe. But what ...

2nd April 2020

As you may expect, the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated employment law this month with new updates on an almost daily basis. Below is just a summary of the changes, but if you have any queries, please do contact us for further advice on ...

25th March 2020

The President of the Family Division has issued further guidance for the parents of children who are subject to child arrangements orders during the current Coronavirus pandemic. The key message is that ‘where Coronavirus restrictions ...

23rd March 2020

A civil partnership is a relationship between two people of the same sex or opposite sex – known as civil partners. Once registered, your civil partnership will mean that your relationship is legally recognised and will provide you ...