This update follows our update in July last year regarding Mr Ali’s claim of sex discrimination because he was not paid enhanced pay whilst on Shared Parental Leave like those on maternity leave. Capita, the respondent and employer in ...
There are a number of differences between Freehold and Leasehold properties and whether a property is Freehold or Leasehold can be an important consideration when purchasing a property. With a freehold property, you own the building ...
It is the time of year which sees the statutory rates for payments such as maternity pay and sick pay increase, as well as the national minimum wage. See here for our pdf setting out these changes. Employers considering using ...
This case below of Lofty –v- Hamis (EAT) deals with the question of when under the Equality Act 2010 does cancer become automatically deemed as a disability. The Equality Act currently has a Schedule 1 which lists those illnesses and ...
We are delighted to announce that Clare Ridout in our Wills, Probate and Trusts department has successfully gained her STEP qualification. The STEP Diploma is a highly regarded academic qualification in the practice area of Will, ...
On the whole, social media is a useful and effective tool for sharing information between friends, businesses and the world generally. For most, it is a very positive and welcome innovation, which has developed enormously over the past ...
When an employer is considering ending an employee’s employment, it is vital that regardless of their length of service the employer considers their reasons for dismissing that employee. Although most employment protection with ...
On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect in the UK. This is aimed at strengthening and harmonising data protection laws across the European Union. It is planned that the UK ...
Last year we saw a raft of high profile sexual harassment allegations being made against celebrities and politicians alike. More recently the EHRC has highlighted that they will be getting involved as far as their powers allow to ...
We take a look at what we can expect from an employment law perspective in 2018. Legislation Gender pay gap reporting. The Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations came into force on 6 April 2017. It requires certain employers to publish ...
Until now, cases about the financial side of a divorce or civil partnership dissolution have been decided by District Judges with a variety of expertise, not always in matrimonial finances. This has led to frustration being expressed ...
Background Under the Working Time Regulations 1998 (WTR) holiday may only be taken in the leave year in respect of which it is due (regulation 13(9)). A worker must therefore take their holiday within the leave year or it is lost (with ...
You may have heard people talk about “living wills”. Whereas a standard Will deals with who inherits your money and property on your death, a living will can be used to make decisions in advance about your wishes regarding particular ...
I have sold privately without an estate agent, what needs to happen to start the process? Both parties will need to instruct a solicitor or conveyancer and pass on their details, in order to get the process started. You will need to ...
The Working Time Directive (WTD) and therefore the Working Time Regulations (WTR), which implements the WTD for the UK, states that workers must have the right to paid holiday. The aim with respect to this paid holiday is to ensure ...
Many couples going through a divorce have assets to divide between them, such as a family home, investments and pensions. However, often in our work matters are complicated by the fact that the parties own a business together. Very few ...
‘Work related stress’ as a reason for absence can send chills through any HR manager because such sickness absence is not easily cured with a week of rest or a dose of antibiotics. It requires careful handling, patience and time. ...
The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination in respect of the nine “protected characteristics” of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, ...
A grievance is a term given to a complaint, concern or problem which is raised by an employee with their employer. This definition is reflected in the ACAS Code, which provides guidance to employers and employees about how a grievance ...
Judgment has recently been given on a momentous case in the matter of R (on the application of Unison) (Appellent) v Lord Chancellor (Respondent), which was Unison’s challenge against employment tribunal fees. Employment tribunal fees ...
For some smaller employers dealing with sickness absence is stepping into unknown territory. When dealing with this for the first time, employers can feel daunted about what they should and should not do. Whilst every case is ...
MacDonald Oates is proud to sponsor R.A.B.I. and their good work in the farming community both locally and further a field. Thank you to Tim and Anne Butler for hosting a wonderfully sunny afternoon tea at the Lavender Fields in ...